Daily weather observations at the University of Reading date back to 1901. Here are a selection of weather news stories for Reading since they began - with one or two earlier, newsworthy, items. They will be updated each day. Please let us know if you have any other snippets of news/information.

Any mention of a record refers to observations at the University of Reading - elsewhere in the United Kingdom values may have been higher or lower.

In Reading on 26 April in ...

One of the wettest April days on record with 22.6 mm of rain falling. Heavy rain fell from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. After a mild start, the temperature barely rose during the day.
One of the highest 0900 GMT April pressure readings (1040.6 mb) on record. A large area of high pressure covered the British Isles.
One of the warmest April nights on record with the temperature only dropping to 12.5 C after a warm day yesterday was followed by a rather cloudy night.
This (and the previous) day brought an unusual late spring snowfall to the county. Snow fell at Reading but was not reported lying at Whiteknights although in west Berkshire motorists were stranded on the M4 in deep snow. Around Reading some 6000 homes lost power, however.