
This program produces time-height quicklooks from netCDF radar or netCDF lidar data. See also profilencplot. The program replaces the earlier cloudncplot that operated only on cloud data. It is invoked as follows:

chilncplot [options] [ ...]


Produce PNG images. This is the default.
-eps, -ps
Produce encapsulated postscript images. These files can be incorporated into documents or sent directly to a postscript printer.
Plot only the first field from each file.
Produce only one plot and send it to standard output rather than a file.
-prefix s
Put the images in the directory s.
-xfs s
Contact the X font server s. By default the program tries to contact unix/:-1, but this is not always the appropriate port to use; on some systems you should use `-xfs unix/:7100'. If X is running then you can find the address of the font server by running `xset -q'. In XFree86 version 4.0 the font server has been incorporated with the X server, so an X font server may need to be run independently: as root run `xfs -port 7100'. Note that you can decide the default font server to contact at compile time - just edit the top level Makefile. Unfortunately at present there are no fall-back fonts built into the program.
-heightrange f1 f2
Set the height range to be from f1 km to f2 km.
-rrange f1 f2
Set the horizontal axis range for RHIs to be from f1 km to f2 km.
-range f1 f2
Set the range of all parameters to be from f1 to f2. Note that lidar backscatter coefficient is plotted on a logarithmic scale, and in this case the range is 10f1 to 10f2 (sr m)-1, and the default values are -7 and -4.
-Zrange f1 f2
Set the range of the radar reflectivity to be from f1 dBZ to f2 dBZ.
-LDRrange f1 f2
Set the range of the linear depolarisation ratio to be from f1 dB to f2 dB.
-PHIDPrange f1 f2
Set the range of the differential phase shift colour scale to be from f1 degrees to f2 degrees.
-vrange f1 f2
Set the range of the velocity to be from f1 to f2 m s-1. If the velocity variable has a folding_velocity attribute then this will be used to cycle the velocity range to be within that requested, if possible. Thus for a vertically-pointing radar with a folding velocity of ±5 m s-1, `-vrange -3 7' would unfold velocities in the range -5..-3 m s-1 to 5..7 m s-1.
-nezcal f
Calibrate the radar by shifting Zh such that the noise-equivalent reflectivity at 1 km (the vector nez), if available, has the value f dBZ in every ray. Note that the background noise varies naturally by ±1 dB as low clouds pass overhead, so only use this option if there is a genuine problem with the gain of the radar. Note that nez is only recorded in cloud data that has noise subtracted.
-betacal f
Set the calibration figure for the lidar bacscatter coefficient (beta) in dB.
-hourrange f1 f2
Plot data from f1 UTC to f2 UTC. By default a whole day is plotted. See also the -duration option.
-duration f
Only plot the first f hours in the file. If f is negative then the last -f hours are plotted; this is useful for real-time applications where the most recent data is required.
-rayduration f
Assume that each ray is f seconds in duration when plotting each ray. The default is 36 seconds (0.01 hours).
-mag f
Set the magnification factor (default 1, max 10, min 0.01).
-maxsize d
If the pseudo-colour image is larger than d pixels in either direction then scale it down accordingly. This is useful if you don't like those 360 degree PPIs very much.
-size {width}x{height}
Set the size of the axes in pixels.
-barsize {width}x{height}
Set the size of the colourbar in pixels.
-fontsize n
Set the size of the font (default 12).
-system s
Override the default name of the instrument; this string is written at the bottom left of each plot. Note that the string can contain certain HTML tags such as I, B, SUB, SUP, and also SYM for greek letters.
-field s
Override the default name of the field being plotted; this string is written on the y-axis of the colourbar.
-units s
Override the default units of the field being plotted; this string is written on the y-axis of the colourbar in parentheses after the name of the field.
-id s
Short code to use in filenames to indicate the instrument. For radars I tend to use the radar frequency in GHz and the string `lc' for the lidar ceilometer.
-palette filename
Read an RGB colourmap from a file and use it in rendering the images. The format of the file is simple; whitespace-separated ascii integers between 0 to 255 which are interpreted as consecutive RGB triplets. The default built-in jet colourmap has 64 entries and looks like this:
 223  223  223
 209  209  227
 195  195  232
 181  181  236
 168  168  241
 154  154  245
 140  140  250
 127  127  255
 111  111  255
  95   95  255
  79   79  255
  63   63  255
  47   47  255
  31   31  255
  15   15  255
   0    0  255
   0   19  243
   0   39  231
   0   59  219
   0   79  207
   0   99  195
   0  119  183
   0  139  171
   0  159  159
   0  171  139
   0  183  119
   0  195   99
   0  207   79
   0  219   59
   0  231   39
   0  243   19
   0  255    0
  31  255    0
  63  255    0
  95  255    0
 127  255    0
 159  255    0
 191  255    0
 223  255    0
 255  255    0
 255  239    0
 255  223    0
 255  207    0
 255  191    0
 255  175    0
 255  159    0
 255  143    0
 255  127    0
 255  111    0
 255   95    0
 255   79    0
 255   63    0
 255   47    0
 255   31    0
 255   15    0
 255    0    0
 239    0   15
 223    0   31
 207    0   47
 191    0   63
 175    0   79
 159    0   95
 143    0  111
 127    0  127