
This program generates ascii summary files from Chilbolton-format data files. Summary files are required by all the programs in this collection whenever particular rasters need to be extracted from data files, because they contain the offset in blocks (4092 bytes) of each raster from the start of the file. They are usually distributed with the data files, but this program is useful if ever you need to regenerate them. Summary files generated by makesum differ from those generated at Chilbolton by the Fortran summary program in the following minor ways:

It also uses fseek to traverse the file rather than reading the blocks into memory. This may make it somewhat faster.

The format of a summary file is simple. The first line contains the name of the corresponding data file, followed by the tape number. The remaining lines each correspond to a raster and have 20 columns which are formatted using the C-style format string

"%5u%4u %02u:%02u:%02u %02u/%02u/%02u %c %c %2s %s%5.1f%3d%4d%4d%4d%2d%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f%5.1f%3d%2d\n"
The columns are:
  1. Block number (1 based) where a block is 4092 bytes
  2. Raster number
  3. Time (UTC) in the form HH:MM:SS
  4. Date in the form DD/MM/YY
  5. The letter `A': I don't know the significance of this...
  6. The scan type: can be U (unknown), R (RHI), P (PPI), S (slant plane), F (fixed), C (calibration) or T (time series)
  7. Experiment code: there are quite a few different ones, but the most common are `Cr' (Chilbolton radar?) and `Cl' (Cloud)
  8. First three letters of the username of the radar operator
  9. Z calibration figure in dB (i.e. add this figure to the raw values to get the calibrated values): note that because calibration wisdom can often change months after the event, this field is NOT used by any of the programs to perform calibration, it is rather up to the user to specify what calibration figure to use
  10. ZDR calibration figure in dB
  11. Always zero...
  12. Byte 30 (0 based) of the raster information record
  13. Gate spacing (m)
  14. Always zero...
  15. Minimum angle of scan (degrees)
  16. Maximum angle of scan (degrees)
  17. Initial angle of scan (degrees); this is the elevation for PPIs and the azimuth for RHIs
  18. Angle increment (degrees)
  19. Number of scans in the file
  20. Sensitivity flag


makesum [options] file1.dat [file2.dat ...]

The options are:

Print the summary information on standard output as well as writing to a file.
-Zcal f
Specify Z calibration as f dB.
-ZDRcal f
Specify ZDR calibration as f dB.
Print help information (can also get help information if makesum is run with no options).