Chilbolton radar data

This page contains links to directories containing data recorded by the three radars at Chilbolton. Please contact Robin Hogan if you have any problems.

Cloud radar data

Radar reflectivity from the two RAL cloud radars at Chilbolton (the 35 GHz RABLAIS and the 94 GHz GALILEO) can be obtained here.

Quicklooks Gif and encapsulated postscript images.

Data The data itself in ascii format.

Profiles Individual reflectivity profiles for the aircraft overpasses.

Scanning data

During the flights, the 3 and 35 GHz radars performed scans along the aircraft flight track. Because of the limited size of the archive, and some problems with the data aquisition at 35 GHz, only 3 GHz data is included here.

3 GHz reflectivity and polarisation data Z, ZDR and LDR in Hierarchical Data Format.